My little soiree to the Emergency Room three days before Christmas (horrible case of sciatica, had them before, never like this and when you determine you cannot walk, crawl or otherwise move yourself from one place to another, you decide to go to the ER) caused a few notices to be delivered this week from that fine medical establishment. It seems the total expense for my visit (Jody thinks we were there longer than 20 minutes, I am not so sure) was about $1,300. During my visit, I filled out some paperwork (I was able to get in on crutches), saw an intake person and then saw the doctor. I was given a Tylenol with codeine and a steroid pill and sent on my way. They were all very nice, $1,300 worth of nice to be exact. My Blue Cross/Blue Shield covered almost 75% of the expense, so I guess I should be grateful. I just hope I never have to visit a hospital emergency room for something really serious and survive. I probably won't be able to afford it.
I have a class in the morning beginning at 8 AM, so I am going to hit it early tonight.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CULINARY TREATS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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