I was thwarted once again in my quest for entrepreneurial dominance on Central Texas. I got in the car earlier than I have the last couple weeks, hoping to get into Austin before all hell broke loose. It seems all hell broke loose just outside the garage and I made it only about three miles before I turned around and came back home. By that time, the car was covered in a pretty thick sheet of ice and the windshields were icing over as well. It did not bode well for a 50 mile trip into Austin. My advancing age is throwing me some curve balls recently; common sense and logic has never been something that I took advantage of, but it seems to be working out in my favor. This is a photo of Earl the Squirrel who was trying to gnaw his way into one of the chair cushions outside the office window. Feathering his nest with poly-fil as it were, and it was pretty much useless to try and dissuade him. Whatever...
SO, I stayed home today and worked from here, making phone calls, answering e-mails, that kind of stuff. I did make it to my dental appointment at 4 o'clock. The dentists office did not even open today until 1 o'clock, so they were pretty much on time, most of the earlier appointments called in ice-bound. BUT, everyone was in a good mood, so that was okay.
Tomorrow I HAVE to get into the office earlier than usual. I have LOTS of book work to do, and then I am heading out to Ft. Lauderdale in the early afternoon.
I will send you a card. Maybe. Okay, maybe not. We will see...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, PILE-UPS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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