that gate so the cattle can't escape and go get some cattle feed and hay for the cattle. I get the feed distributed and open the feed lot so the cattle will be distracted while I put out the hay. I get out to the place where I want to put the hay and discover that the hay ring is laying in two pieces. SO, I unwrap the hay, and haul-ass back to get some tools and some nuts and bolts to fix the hay ring (first) and then the gate. Happily, I was able to get everything fixed and operable before the cattle even noticed that I was messing around. No
After all that, Jody and I took a drive. We went into Davilla, made our way to Cameron (where I stopped and cleaned out the CVS of jelly beans) then on to Milano (where we were going to stop for lunch at Phil's Diner and Used Tires, but we thought better of it). Then we were off to Rockdale, Thorndale, Taylor and back home. After naps, we headed off into Georgetown and had dinner (Fish Tacos) at Fish City Grill. Yummy!
On the way home, we stopped and Dairy Queen where Jody got himself a Blizzard. I cannot have a Blizzard, since I have five hundred pounds of jelly beans in the trunk of the car. You have to cut back somewhere!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ROAD TRIP, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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