Well, the prognosticators got it wrong again. We were supposed to have rain all day today, but there was no rain at all. Overnight (okay, the last 24 hour) we did receive 0.55" of rain, which is SWEET! It was cloudy and overcast (and cold) most of the day, but just about the time I got the fire in the stove started, it began to warm up a little bit and the sun came out. It got up into the mid-50's this afternoon, and it was pleasant outside.

I did not do many chores around the house today, I did put three more nesting boxes out in the chicken coop. I am not sure which girl it is, but one of them is trying to nest in the feeder out there. I did make it out to the back pasture looking for some scrap to (engineer) install the new nesting boxes. The cattle were all seemingly pretty happy where they were, and they are always pretty curious. This young bull is a curious one, and not too shy at all. Lots of folks complain that Longhorns are aggressive and they don't like them because of it. Yep, if they think you are going to feed them, they are aggressive, but generally they are not too interested in messing with you in my opinion.
While Jody and I were taking the Boy Dog for a ride, we stopped at the new neighbors (and at Pauline and Hubert's as well) and dropped off some eggs. The new neighbors (Ross and Tanya) are very nice and they are doing lots of renovations on the property. They have three horses, three or four goats, a dwarf burrow and a Great Pyrenees. It is interesting to see the transformation of the property, making it their own place. I guess that means we are no longer the new folks in the neighborhood.
Jody and I went into Georgetown and had dinner at Chipotle. We got home and just as I was sitting down to write this entry, Hubert and Pauline drove up and brought us some banana pudding, some deviled eggs and a loaf of cranberry bread. Pauline said she just wanted to being us back some of the eggs. They came in and talked for a while, that was really nice.
This week coming is planned to be less stressful, and I think Austin schools are on Spring Break. That should make the commute a little less stressful as well. We shall see.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CATTLE, Kindnesses, Wh
irled Peas, FUN!
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