Miguel came out today and we managed to get a lot of stuff done. We got the cattle fed and a couple miscellaneous things around the property done. The main thing was to do a thorough cleaning of the chicken coop. There are chicken mites out there; teeny-tiny little bugs about a 64th (or maybe a 32nd) of an inch long and thinner than one of the thinnest hairs on your arm. Teeny-tiny I tell you. And they bite or burrow kind of like chiggers. SO, we cleaned everything out of the hen house, evicted the brooding girls and took the nesting boxes out and thoroughly cleaned them and wiped them down with bleach and changed the hay in the boxes. Then I dusted the hay in the nests (and around the perimeter of the coop) with diatomaceous earth. I think that ought to slow them down anyway. The Internet recommends using Adams Flea Mist and/or Sevin Dust, but I do not want to introduce anything like that in the coop. No chemicals for these girls. We will see how this does.
This week coming promises to be kind of calm, I have a couple appointments this week, but it should be relatively slow and will let me get some office work done.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, MITES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
Well wishes to you and your hens