Wednesday, March 26, 2014

2014 - Day 85/280 - Wednesday...

Well this was an interesting day.  It is always interesting be out of town and still doing work  just as if you were still at home.  That is the trouble with the electronic leashes we all deal with today, we are available to work from where ever we are.  I am not sure I like that.

The day started with breakfast, and I have to say, I complain about anything when given the opportunity, but one thing I will not complain about is the bacon that was served at breakfast!  It was thick and delicious and plentiful!  Yummy!  Cokie Roberts was our first speaker this morning, and she was very entertaining and informative.  We also heard from a high powered attorney and a man named Douglas Brinkley who is an expert on our Presidents (past and present) and what they are all known for.  All of it was very interesting.

After the meetings, I took a nap.  That was lovely, one of the highlights of my day, no question!  After the nap and some more book work, I met Rick and Cathy for dinner, and then we went to see The Book of Mormon.  Rick had made the reservations a couple months ad to go and it was really fun.  We walked to dinner, walked to the theatre and then walked h not,ome,  Did I mention that is it freezing cold outside?  It is FREEZING cold, and when you live in a place like this, you have to coordinate the wearing of extra clothing.  And when you are wearing extra clothing you had to do something with that extra clothing when you get to wherever it was you were going which caused you to wear the extra clothing in the first place.  It is really inconvenient.  And then when you get to wherever it is that you had to put al the extra cothing on for, you tend to wonder if it was worth it in ..the begInung or not,
DGED,                                                             sssdEED                                                                                                                                                                                                                               s, ChNeeds, Act

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