I did get to sleep in this morning, and Jody was actually up before I was, and when I finally got up, I was off to loose the chickens, bring in the paper, make some coffee and settle in for a bit. It was a slow morning since there was no need to be anywhere at any specific time AND my helper was not going to be out today, so things could all slide for a while. I did get the chicken coop cleaned and put fresh pine shavings in (most of) the nesting boxes. There were three girls who chose not to give up their nests, so those three boxes got left out. After that, I made sure there was fresh water everywhere, put out a fresh 'flock block' so Earl the Squirrel would not feel left out, and then hooked the shredder up to the tractor and massacred some of the higher weeds here and there and particularly up at the road. Things look much less like Grey Gardens if I do say so myself.
Welcome to June by the way! June looks like it will be a little more calm overall, and that will be a good thing!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ABUSE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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