Yes, once again it is Friday, and I hate the conflict that brings. A couple days that I will (technically) not be working, but there is nothing on television. Conflict. I plan to sleep A LOT and continue my recovery, BUT Jody has now come down with the crud, so I expect I will put a little bit of time hovering (that is different than hovering) over him, trying the make sure that he is comfortable and that this thing does not develop into pneumonia. He said earlier that he was feeling better but in my opinion he sounded worse. We will see how this goes. One of my clients today told me he had the same thing I have (according to the raspy bronchial cough) and that after a week or two it turned into pneumonia. I really think I am on the down hill slide with this thing, but it will not hurt to rest a little more over the weekend.

These are not really trumpet vines (I don't think) and Jody cannot right now recall the names of them, but they are blooming here and there in the yard. I have always liked them, have always thought they were beautiful, and the hummingbirds like them very much as well.
I did a YNN (Time Warner) interview this morning while I was at the Board, not sure when it will air. We put out stats today, so that usually generates a couple requests for interviews and sound bites. I had an appointment at 3 o'clock this afternoon, and at 2:56 KLBJ called and wanted a remote RIGHT THEN. Sorry...if it had really been RIGHT THEN it probably worked since I was still in the car for five minutes...but no sense making myself crazy and trying to cram more stuff into a really tight window. I hate not being able to do what needs to be done, but sometimes a little bit of pre-planning is needed.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CRUD, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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