If you were paying attention this morning as I was driving down IH-35 into Austin while playing Words with Friends and posting my random observations as my Face Book status, I was annoyed in the middle of bumper-to-bumper traffic by the s/he (never did figure it out) behind me who kept creeping up to the back end of my car, flashing his/her bright lights and trying to get me to go faster. I am not certain where s/he wanted me to go but it got worse and worse the further we went. FINALLY s/he made a series of moves that effectively put him/her onto the left shoulder or the highway and then careened across three lanes of traffic (not an easy feat at 7ish in the morning) giving him/her access to the right hand shoulder where s/he raced off ne'er to be seen for the rest of the morning.

And then there was this car, driven by an obviously proud city staffer, equally unconcerned about traffic courtesy and protocol, oh her way to wreak havoc with some unsuspecting property owner. DO NOT MESS with the slum lords, go directly to someone who just bought the house and got a notice from the city that there is an open permit from 25 years ago that now needs to be closed. Oh, and that means you have to bring the items on the permit up to current property codes.
And how was your day? I actually had a pretty good day after I got to my office and out of my car. And the ride home proved uneventful, so that is a good thing.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, TRAFFIC, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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