Monday, June 9, 2014

2014 - Day 160/205 - Monday...

Precarious Guy on Ladder:  Do you need to leave?
Me:  Why yes, that is why is an standing here with my car door open!
PGoL:  Okay, well we can stop for a minute so you can pull out.
M:  Well, if I pull out, I think I will hit the ladder and I don't want to dent my car.
PGoL:  No, that's okay, if you hit the ladder, I will just hang on to the tree.
M:  But I do not want to risk hitting the ladder, the ladder might fall, you could fall and one or both could dent my car.  I don't want to dent my car.
PGoL:  We do this all the time, you just think you will hit the ladder, it hardly ever happens.
M:  When is the last time it happened?
PGoL:  Last week, but before that it was a couple months ago.
M:  Are you insured?
PGoL: Not after last week.

I'm just sayin'.

Today was actually a good day.  Peaks and Valleys.  My first call was a valley, but then I got a peak when MOW called and asked if I could sub for them.  Then there was a valley when I was getting ready to go deliver meals and it was pouring down rain.  Then I determined that the rain was a peak, so everything pretty much worked out.  The rest of the day was kind of like that too.  For every valley there is a peak.

And now I am home, and that is a peak!

Deeds, Actions, Changes, PEAKS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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