It seems we have a cat. Jody calls her (actually of non-specific sexual persuasion) BC for 'Barn Cat', I call her Elsie (or LC for 'Lucky Cat'). BC is the latest in a series of cats we have had over the years. We have always had a cat (I think three was the most we have had at the same time) up until the recent demise of Missy, who went on to the great litter box in the sky earlier this year. The latest cat has been seen in the cornfields across the road from the house, wandering around the back of the house by the pool, and here and there. Neither of us has had an actual meeting with the cat, but we are feeding the cat on a nightly basis, and every now and then we can sneak out to the laboratory at the back and peek at her. She is very cautious and suspect, so we do not want to scare her off. We have noticed a diminished number of mice and rats around the house (save for the one I saved from the pool skimmer this afternoon), so she is earning her keep, and for that we are thankful.

It seems we also have some peaches ripening on our trees. Three years ago, we put in the beginnings of an orchard in the back; a couple peach trees, a couple apple trees and one plum tree. We have nothing to show for that effort so far except for five trees that are leaning towards the north as a result of the southerly winds that are seemingly constant out here on the edge of nowhere (which is further than the middle of nowhere). BUT, this year we may actually get some peaches off one or both of the trees. They seem to be late developers (we have been enjoying Hubert and Pauline's peaches for a couple weeks already), but that will be fine, we will be happy for whatever we get.
I spent the better parts of two days cutting grass around the house this weekend. Jody is still feeling kind of poorly, he just cannot seem to get rid of the cough and lung congestion. He is supposed to give the doctor a follow-up call tomorrow, so we will see what his professional opinion is.
This week will be a four-day week, in celebration of the Fourth of July which conveniently falls on a Friday this year. Good planning. Otherwise, it should be a good, fast week. Thank you very much!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CATS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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