Today was a great day, right up to the part that Randy called me and said he thought there was a dead calf back in the pasture, evidenced by the fact that the momma was standing there bawling her eyes out. That was the cause of some concern, indeed. As it turned out, it was just another documented case that cows are not the smartest things on earth. A calf just got a fence in between itself and its' momma and neither one of them could figure out how that happened. 'I just woke up and here I was, I have no idea how I got here and that fence thing is causing me a conundrum'. Even after Randy opened the gate I think they were still suspicious but they finally took a chance and were reunited. Bless their hearts.
Favorite New Phrase: Boo-Hoo. Replaces Dumb Ass, which is a great relief to many, I know.
Again, today was an excellent day, and I would like to personally thank all of you that had a part in it, but I can't. Boo-Hoo! But in particular, thanks to William and Randy. Bless Your Hearts!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, Boo-Hoo, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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