Wednesday, July 6, 2016

2016 - Day 188/178 - Wednesday...

Day two of the Adkins gig. I wouldn't actually confess to having 'fallen off', but I did HAVE TO attend a tasting of culinary delights this afternoon. Actually, I had totally forgotten about it, and I got a text from the little munchkin head, saying she was on her way to pick me up. That was kind of a chaser to my four turkey-wieners that I had already consumed for lunch. The big think on Adkins is the reduction of carbohydrates...turkey-wieners have 1g of carbohydrates per wiener. I am allowed 20g per day, so four is great. Lots of stuff has 0gs, and that is what I am careful about. The tasting (IMHO) probably had enough carbs for the rest of the week, but it was a sacrifice I was happy to make. I choose not to include photos of the desserts, it is just not a smart move on my

Otherwise, it was a hectic day. Summer, covered up with stuff.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, CARBS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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