Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Volume 12 - Day 98/268, 2020 - Tuesday

The grey cat made another appearance today. I was taking food out to Barney, and there was the grey cat, laying on the shredder behind the tractor. I believe this is a female cat, but I have no real way of telling for sure. She jumped up and stood her distance initially, but when I put the food in the bowl, she came right over and started eating. I have absolutely no idea where this grey cat hangs out, but she is here now and then. I am always happy to see her, but I really wish that, between the grey cat and Barney, they would do a better job with the mice. Otherwise, it was a pretty okay day. I had no zoom meetings today, but I have two tomorrow. I did have to go to the bank, so that was an adventure. You have to make an appointment to gain lobby access. The chickens were doing okay, the girl dogs seem happy and content, although I cannot get Callie to eat regularly. She has always been finicky, but it seems she only wants to eat once a day now, which is perfectly okay, but it is another 'new normal' for me.

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