The chicken coop is cleaned, I emptied some boxes, three garbage cans are out on the road, and I am pretty much done for the day. Going through boxes, I found some interesting stuff that belonged to Jody, including this coin holder (I used to have something like this a long time ago). I did not bother to count the coins inside it, but none of the coins are later than 1992, which is also the year Jody and I got together. I also found his High School Graduation photo, his High School Graduation Program, some photos from when he attended the University of Texas, and lots of other stuff that people keep in boxes in attics or storage buildings. Some of it I kept, most of it is in one of the garbage cans up at the road. You can't keep everything, and you especially can't keep stuff of people that you have never met in your life. I did get a chance to go into Georgetown earlier today, where I caught up with Mike and Candy. I got a couple things at Best Buy, but honestly, I am too chicken to try and connect it yet (new router and extender), so I will wait until the tech support is on regular time. Looking out the office window right now, the crippled raccoon is on the porch, getting a drink of water. I put a pan of water down especially for him where I had seen him last, but I guess he is a victim of his own habits, just like we all are.
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