Apparently, the road to Austin is not paved with good intentions, either. I had every intention of getting in to Austin at some point today, but it just did not happen. I had one LONG zoom meeting today, broken into two parts; 8:30 until 11:30, and the second session from 1:00 until 3:00. I had considered making a mad dash in to Austin during the 'lunch break,' but I decided it would be more trouble than it was practical, so I stayed home and did some business from home. That hour-and-a-half turned out to be pretty productive, and that is always a good thing. My 'to-done' list is relatively void of tasks, and so I feel rather accomplished. I will definitely get in to the office tomorrow, but my departure time keeps getting pushed back later and later. We had just about a trace of rain this afternoon, 3/100" if you really need to know the details. All around us gets much better rainfall than we do here on the Edge of Nowhere, and I do not know what gives about that. Places that have had plenty of rain (that's you Mikey) keep getting more and more, and I am totally jealous!
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