Ouchee. OUChee. OUCHEE! Why are all the people in the Walgreen's pharmacy so mean and snobbish this year? Believe me, I know mean and snobbish when I see it. We have gone to the same Walgreen's for several years to get our various vaccines. That's a lot of vaccines when you get to be my age, too. This year, they are totally unfriendly and argumentative. I know what that looks like, too. I mentioned last week that I was told that I should wait until the middle of September to get my flu shot, but we will give it to you right now if you insist. I didn't insist. I have never been turned away for a flu shot in my life (and that is a lot of years). It was reported that the CDC recommended that. I did some research, and everything I could find said GET YOUR FLU SHOT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, but not later than October. So, figuring if I waited until the middle of September, the odds would be pretty good that they would be OUT of flu shots, so I went back today. Same story, same script, but I politely (haha) said I would prefer to get the shot today. I was informed that I would need to be very careful, because getting a flu shot today would put me at a greater risk of being infected in January or February. I am not sure how waiting two weeks will give me eight extra weeks of protection, but I persevered and got my flu shot today. Those people at Walgreen's are mean!
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