I practically had to force myself to get out of the house today and do something...anything... I kept looking at my list of things I wanted to get done, and I just had absolutely no motivation. I finally did go and plant some plumbago that I have had for at least a couple months. I have never had plumbago before, but I saw them planted in Austin and absolutely love them, very pretty. I also planted some amaryllis that I bought before christmas last year. I have a little place that I plant all the Christmas amaryllis, and I finally got these two planted. Now I just have to remember to keep them watered where they are now. I had been keeping them in the 'shade garden,' and now they will need more water. I am surprised that there is any water left in central Texas. We did not break a record in Austin today, but it was 106 there. My thermometer showed it to be 109 again today, and I do not doubt it at all. I am using a good bit of water trying to keep things a little bit green. I have cut back on the watering length of time, and I hope that will help. We really need some rain, and there is a chance between now and tomorrow evening, but not a very good chance. The chicken coop got cleaned, I did some this-and-thats, and I did a load of laundry, and remembered to take it out of the dryer, too. One thing I did when I went in to Georgetown this afternoon, was to stop at a roadside peach place. I never buy a whole basket (quart?) of peaches, but I bought two. I have been having a hankering. I cut up one of the peaches when I got home, and I do not think I have ever had a more delicious peach. I doubt that I will ever have another peach that was as delicious as this one. I should have bought more.
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