Well, so much for that pork chop that I thought would last another two days...I finished the rest of it this evening for dinner, and the girls got lovely pork chop bones. Everybody was happy. Talking about food, I got my hair cut this afternoon, and tradition dictates that I make a stop at Firebowl when I leave the salon. SO...I brought home TWO dinners, and those should be good for at least four meal times. I had only one meeting today, and it was an early one, 8 o'clock this morning. Then I made a few phone calls, and headed into the office about 10. I need to do a few real estate things over the weekend, but basically, I am not motivated to do much of anything. I went outside to water pot plants this evening, about 7:45, and it was still 102 degrees outside. It is getting to be ridiculous, but that is something that we do every summer in Texas: Complain.
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