An old wives’ tale states you can count on rain within 7 days of seeing a Texas Sage burst into bloom. Indeed, shortly after my shrub was ablaze with purple, we were fortunate to have had a couple of days of sweet, steady rain. Considering our recent very dry summer, here’s to seeing a little more purple in our landscapes this fall. The detail behind the matter, however, is that while Texas sage tends to blossom a couple days before precipitation occurs, it really blooms when the conditions are optimal for rain. Actual rainfall may not occur, but the plant is sensitive to changes in barometric pressure and humidity, and therefore it blossoms. That being said, this doesn’t mean you should scrap any plans of planting a cool bush that has the potential to predict rain. It simply means you have the opportunity to make room for a native Texas species in your full-sun garden that blooms lovely flowers when it feels a change in the weather coming on… kind of like witching for water with the added bonus of seeing something gorgeous in the process. It’s a win-win! Well, crap! (I copied and pasted the above information, so I am not sure how it will translate when I hit 'publish.' Fingers crossed! I did get a few things done today, so that is good. I took two bales of hay out to the cattle, checked out what was left of Violet (nothing much), took the girls to the beautiful parlor, spent about $60 at HEB, went to Walgreen's and listened to them for ten minutes about flu shots, why they don't have a waiting list, blah, blah, blah, took the last chair to Goodwill, fed the chickens and watered pot plants front and back. Not sure about tomorrow, I have a little bit of an urge (little, not big) to empty some boxes in the garage, and I have to clean the chicken coop. I am going in to Round Rock to go to Bed, Bath and Beyond. I can't tell you what I am going for. so you won't jump the gun and buy it out from under me. The web site said I could pick it up in two hours, but I don't want to go in tonight. Whatever...
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