Barney came up to get a drink of water at least twice today, once while I was having breakfast, and then this evening as I was feeding the girl dogs. It is always nice to see him, especially when we are experiencing weather extremes, either really hot or really cold. I think I may have mentioned this earlier, too, but I think there are more hummingbirds this year, or perhaps I am just staring out the windows more this year than before. Almost every day, when I am watching the news in the bedroom, there is a hummer outside the window checking out some of the flowering plants. And almost every day, morning, noon or evening, when I am sitting in the office, there are hummers checking out the cannas and the Pride of Barbados. Quite often they will go and sit on one of the fountains and have a drink. I did very little around the house today, and I really do not have any plans for doing a lot tomorrow. Casey came up this morning to pick up the boxes of books, and right now, I envision a little lady somewhere in Buda (a volunteer for the Friends of the Buda Public Library), opening boxes of books and hoping they can be sold and benefit the operations of the library. I hope that is so, anyway. Tomorrow, I may try to move a few things around in the garage, and there are a couple boxes I would like to go through in one of the storage buildings. I also am suddenly motivated to go get a new router for the house, one with a signal extender or a 'mesh unit.' Of course, I will be totally unable to hook it up, so, even though I think I should probably leave well enough alone, I have never been keen on taking my own advice! Plus, it's August already...
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