If there is a state bird of Texas, can there be a city bird of Austin. When I moved here in 1985, the joke was that the state bird of Texas was the crane. The construction crane. Then that wafted over to the city bird of Austin was the crane. Then the state and city birds went away for a couple years, but now they are back with a vengeance. I am generally a little bit apprehensive of driving under these things, especially when they have those cement buckets hooked up to them. But, I do it, and so far, so good. Right now, Austin is the eleventh largest city in the country, and we are supposed to break in to the top ten early next year. Parts of it still feel like Mayberry, and that is okay. Parts of it really are Mayberry, and there is nothing wrong with that. BUT, we are a big city, and we have big city problems. We just all have to be aware. Perhaps I really should not be discussing Austin at all, since I live outside Austin, actually about 35 or 40 miles outside Austin. It is 49+ miles to my office from the house, so maybe that disqualifies me from having opinions about Austin. I know it does not stop other people from sharing their opinions, good or bad, but at least I am considering the whole picture. Kind of like being an agnostic...kind of just hedging my bets. But I will bet you $100 that I think about and consider the possibilities much more than most. Hmmm... It is kind of interesting how these conversations start, take a turn, and then end...
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