I went to Costco today for the first time in at least three months, mainly because one prescription that I get filled at Costco is a ninety day prescription, and I have one pill left. Now I have ninety one, but I digress. Costco does not hold the same allure for me that it used to. I do not need a meatloaf that will feed thirty people. Five pounds of cottage cheese no longer calls to me from the dairy case. And I do not have enough wet iPhones that could cause a hundred pound bag of rice to jump from the pallet into my basket. What I ended up with was a case of bottled water, a box of Cheez-Its, a box of Skinny Pop, a couple bottles of Vitamin C Gummies, some breakfast crackers, and dog food. $64.17, not including the prescription. There was a time that I could not get out of Costco for less than $250, so that is just more proof of the weird times in which we live. The most distracting thing of the day was these two ladies, the one on the left in particular. Her face mask hid more than her whatever they are. I was about the sixth person to be leaving, these ladies were fifth. At one point, they both abandoned the basket and went to talk with friend at Customer Service. It was a Karen moment if there ever was one, and I remained calm, and put my head down on my cart handle and wept. People behind me applauded. The people with the pink highlighters at the door praised me for my calm demeanor, and the people outside gathering shopping carts made me a special path to my car with their abandoned carts. All-in-all, the day didn't suck.
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