Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord, my soul to keep, If I should die, before I wake, Ask the coroner to check the green beans, I am not sure they kept very well. Whatever... I spent a lot of the day doing nothing much of anything, mainly because I did most of it yesterday. I managed to get dressed by noon, and I headed in to Georgetown on a quest to buy dog food. Three stores later, and I am good for another two or three weeks. I think dog food is a lot like toilet paper and disinfecting wipes. I always think I need it, then when I get it home, I discover I could open my own general store catering in those things. I looked at a house on Saturday, and the seller's had (no kidding) at least 500 rolls of toilet paper. Every closet I looked in had two or three of the giant Costco toilet paper packages. I am certainly not that crazy, but I have bought in to the whole hoarding thing. I bought a package of toilet paper last week when I was at Costco, and now I think I have three packages out in the garage. I wonder if I have any anywhere else, stashed away. It is colder than a fart in a dead eskimo (that being the coldest thing in the world just in case you were wondering) outside here tonight, and it is going to get colder overnight on Monday. We will have two or three days this coming week where the overnight temperatures will be below freezing, but the daytime temperatures will be in the 40s and 50s. Just an inconvenience. Like 2020. Overnight last night, we got 0.29" of rain, which will give us 0.69" of rain for the month of November. We could use some more rain! And when I got in line, they were serving number four. It took them about an hour-and-fifteen minutes to call my number, only to tell me they could not provide the dog drugs (HeartGard and NexGard) that I needed.
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