I got all my chores done today, with plenty of time to share. I had a great afternoon, with friends for lunch at the farm today, and it really re-emphasized to my how socially awkward I have become. But, I will work on that, and I expect I will feel better about things by the end of the year. Two days, two dead chickens. It is an interesting phenomenon, but that is just the way things work sometimes. I went out later this afternoon to feed the chickens and make sure they had water, and the survivors all look just fine. They actually look really good. These remaining chickens (10 out of 12) seem to actually have recovered from the challenge with mites, and the molting process looks like it may be winding down. I have gathered only five eggs in 15 days, so that is really nothing to brag about. I gave the chicken coop a good cleaning this morning, and I am happy with that. We will see if there are any more casualties in the next few days, but I am not really expecting any. Time will tell. These little daisy like flowers caught my attention this morning, and they are just volunteers, nothing that I planted. Sometimes things just decide to pop up and show themselves!
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