My iPhone updated itself the other day, and I am still getting used to a few things that changed...but this showed up on my screen yesterday, and it is kind of interesting and disturbing at the same time. I expect I will get used to it over a couple weeks, but I am also a little bit concerned that the Apple Watch has decided to give me life lessons and how to remain calm. I do not really think I have more Karen moments than the average person, but my watch interrupts my stream of consciousness with requests like 'the weekend is coming, try to relax' or 'just take one minute and concentrate on your breathing.' Just now, while researching this blog entry, I learned how to 'ping' my phone. That will come in much more handy that any of you can imagine. I assume there is some kind of button I can push that will remind me about what day it is, that could be really helpful. I do not have any great big plans for the weekend, I do have a list of things that I would like to accomplish, one of which is to go to an estate sale that Candy told me about. I also just thought of another app that I would find useful...something that could tell me what the girl dogs are thinking. I think the girl dogs are much more enlightened than the chickens, and I have seen no real evidence that the chickens really think about anything, but I would like to be able to better interpret the needs and thoughts of the dogs. Someone should stop whatever they are doing right now, and concentrate on that.
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