Just in case you think the photo accompanying this journal entry is false and misleading, get over it. When has this journal ever REALLY been interesting? If asked, I always reply that this journal is about NOTHING. Just nothing. Nothing really important, nothing really significant. Just nothing. I think some days are better than others, and I am generally more proud of entries in which I have gone off on a tantrum than those entries in which I am trying to be interesting. Nothing interesting here, move along. I am trying to think if I did anything interesting today. Nothing really comes to mind. I did take the trash can up to the road this morning, and I got it there before the sanitary engineers made it past the house, at which time I retrieved the trash can and put it back in its' proper place. There is a distinct possibility that that was the most interesting thing I did today. I had left over BBQ for dinner, which included a glazed sour dough donut sprinkled with BBQ sauce. That was pretty interesting. It gets dark too early for me to really do too many interesting things after I get home from Austin. I did check on chickens both this morning and this evening; no more casualties, and they all look pretty healthy if you ask me, which you did not. I did see Barney a couple times this late afternoon and evening. That is always pretty interesting to me. Maybe not to you, just don't go all psycho on me if you don't like cats. Although that would be kind of interesting. I got no really interesting mail today, and the catalogs are really not that interesting anymore. I am not too interested in buying too much of anything this year, but I expect that will change. That could be interesting. Did you do anything interesting today?
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