So...I got a lot of stuff done this morning, and through the afternoon. I did not, however, get the dogs bathed. I have no idea why I am avoiding that, but I am. I put the piglet in the sink this morning, but I just could not seem to get motivated to put the skunk odor stuff on her and then give her a bath. And she is not the stinkiest of the two. Callie is a LOT stinkier than the piglet. But, I did get all the bed linens washed, even the pillows, and I will see how it goes tonight. I did make it to Home Depot today, and spent WAY too much money, and then a couple other errands. I have prepared meals in the refrigerator for the entire week, so that is a good thing. Right now, as I write this, I am eating cottage cheese and blueberries. I am trying to do some easy things to lose a little weight I have gained over the last ten months or so. I did manage to work in a couple naps today, too. Tonight, the neighbors all met at the Curious House, and we sat out on the deck and had a great time catching up with all the goings on in the neighborhood! I am a lucky man, and I am so happy that I found this house and this group of friends to share stuff with. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HAY! I hope you enjoy the view off the deck this evening.
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