Another really nice day in central Texas, but things may change a little for the warmer and more humid. Humider? I am planning to enjoy this week, with a very light schedule, and I hope I do not clutter it up with a bunch of last minute meetings and zooms. I took my time getting in to the office this morning, but I was there by the mid-10AMs. I left at just a little after 2, and stopped off for a couple errands, and got home in plenty of time to take a nap during the news. I am anxiously awaiting Antiques Roadshow, and then I will be ready to call it a day. Early voting started today, and I plan to go vote on my way in to the office tomorrow. I have a pretty decent record of voting, and I think I have only missed voting a couple times, if that, since I have been eligible to vote. I like voting, that way, I can complain with a clear conscience. Since I do not live within the city limits of any city, I only get to vote on county issues or state issues. I think I will be within the city of Georgetown before too long, and that will be okay with me, too. In keeping with my Halloween theme, I watched a couple Godzilla movies (okay, I watched 'at') over the weekend. My cable service has the absolute worst movie channels. Godzilla counts as scary, right?
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