OMG. I got my third jab yesterday, and it is not as if I feel bad, but I just do not feel good. I did a short walk with Jay this morning, and then talked with Dan and Nancy for a few minutes, and then I went back in the house and piled up in the big chair. I slept mostly until 4 o'clock this afternoon. I did get up a couple times to take the dogs outside, but I was pretty much useless. I finally had something to eat at about 5 o'clock, but I thought that was going to make me sick too. I have already cancelled my walk for tomorrow and brunch tomorrow and a get together with Michael and Lynda. I expect I will feel better tomorrow, but I think I am just going to take it slowly. I had a whole list of things to get done today, but I did not do anything. SO...even though I slept most of the day, I do not think I will have too much trouble going back to sleep in about a half-hour. I expect part of the tiredness was also part of the really busy week I had last week, but it will all work out in the end. No Halloween pictures today, I am going to take a break from those on the weekends. I have a few photos I have been holding back, and so tonight's post reflects one of those. The is my anti-anxiety drug, ice cream and chocolate syrup! Yummy.
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