I got a lot of things done today, but if I had to recite a list, I would come up short. There are still three things on my chore list, but they are all things that don't really need to be done if I don't want to do them. Four things, if you include giving the dogs a bath. Jay and I did a longer walk than usual this morning, usually we do a bit of exploring on Sunday mornings. We went and checked out the areas that they are clearing and where new roads and streets may be going. It is a lot of clearing, and we can only speculate where roads will be and where houses will end up being built. In the meantime, I am still relishing in the decision I made, and I doubt that I could be in a better place, house and neighbor wise. I got to brunch with Sharon, and that was fun. Sunday brunch is always good and something I always look forward to. On the way home, I made a couple stops, and got home and went down for a nap. When I regained consciousness, I re-potted the Meyer lemon tree I bought last week, put some finishing touches on a couple this-and-that things, and went down for another nap. Yesterday at Home Depot, I was amazed by the number of solar light things that are available. I put these (see photo) around the deck, and I like them very much. I don't want any really bright lights out there in the evening, and so far I think these will do just exactly what I want them to do. So far, so good.
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