Today was a really busy day, and it was a fun day too. A good walk this morning, we are starting now at 7AM instead of 7:30, which is one of the many good things I can attribute to being back to Central Standard Time. I can think of nothing good about Daylight Saving Time. Nothing. Back to walking; we were four this morning; Jay, Dick, Dan and me. Lots of conversations, and some exercise as well. We generally go 45 or 50 minutes on the walk, so nothing too crazy. After the walk, I started doing laundry, and I caved in and gave Callie a bath. Six weeks of smelling like a skunk was enough. Fresh new sheets on the bed, more laundry working, and then it was off to brunch. After brunch, I made a stop at CVS, then Home Depot (I bought exterior Christmas lights, among other things), and then to Academy for a couple more pair of lounging shorts. Once home, I cleaned out LOTS of t-shirts from the closet, and I am going to make some calls later this week, to see how many t-shirts are needed to make quilts. I actually found three companies that do that in Austin, so that will be kind of fun. I also harnessed up the girls and took them for a walk this afternoon, nothing long, but it was a start. I also stopped at Dan and Nancy's and their two dogs and my two socialized for a little bit...so that was good. Over all, a really good day!
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