It made it up to close to 80 degrees today in central Texas. I only wore one jacket for our walk, and I was toasty warm by the time I got back home. It is 63 degrees outside right now, the house is still kind of chilly from last week, but I am remaining strong in spite of all of that. I got in to the office this morning, cleared my desk, went to a noon appointment, went back to the office, did some more stuff, and headed for home by about 2:30. I made one stop on the way home, collected my mail (nothing that was saved, it was ALL shredded), and embarked on a neighborhood walk with the girl dogs. My goal was to take them two or three blocks one way, then turn around and take them down to the end of the cul-de-sac, then back to the Curious House. About mid-way in the walk, Jay was walking towards his house, and the girls were delirious. Totally uncontrollable. Hysterical. I did not realize that Jay would be out with his two dogs, and he went on ahead and we loitered until they were pretty well in front of us. We completed our walk without further incident, and the girls were pretty tired by the time we got home. I am glad that I picked up a couple poop-bags while walking this morning, and one of them came in handy during the walk. I expect both the girls (and I) will get better at this walking thing as time goes on. Solitaire. What I do when I don't want to pay any attention, don't want to concentrate, and just want to retreat into mindless distraction. I do it more than you might imagine!
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