Weather-wise, today was a much lovelier day than yesterday. I did not take tremendous advantage of the day, but it was very nice to sit in the sunshine every now and then. We got our walk in, and I did a load of clothes. Nothing heroic. Then there was brunch, and there were seven of us, a great group, lots of laughing and conversation. I got home, finished up the work I had started, and now I am ready for the coming week. I am trying to remember if I got a nap in, but I am pretty sure I did, it is my modus operandi after all. I had a sudden realization this afternoon, and that is that I am as old as the people I accuse of being old. Well, hell. The amaryllis I bought as a bulb a while back decided to burst forth in bloom today. It was not open last night when the wine gang was here, but this morning I was surprised to see it in all its' glory. I will plant it out in the yard later. My Christmas Cactus is about to bloom out, too, so that is pretty great. I am always surprised that I can nurture things, it is not one of my talents.
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