We are all kind of getting back into the swing of things with in-person meetings. This morning started with an opening general session; we heard from our chief lobbyist in DC, our chief economist, and a variety of other folks, experts in their particular niche of the real estate profession. Then it was off to lunch, then back to the hotel for a little bit of a nap, then off to the trade show. Then, back to the hotel, a quick lookee-see in the gift shop, where I refused to pay $38 for a t-shirt, or $85 for a pair of shorts, but I did pay $2.97 for a diet Pepsi. We went to dinner tonight in La Jolla, and did not get home until almost 11 o'clock Pacific time. So, here I am, recounting the events of the day, and happy to be able to have made those memories with so many friends and colleagues from across the country.
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