OMG! Traffic sucks! The fake news (haha) is reporting that the airports are jammed with people, but I think they all decided to drive instead. And they are all stopping at the local HEB on their way out of town. I got in to Austin this morning and went directly to an appointment I had to preview a property that may be coming on the sales market soon. A lovely property nicely situated, close to the University and the Capitol. We shall see. After that, I headed in to the office, and got my desk cleared off, and then I logged on to a 1 o'clock zoom. After that, I took some stuff to our storage locker, and then headed back north. That is when I was confronted with traffic, HEB patrons (not gonna do any name calling), and then I tried to navigate the aisles at Home Depot. I have bought WAY TOO MUCH lighting for the outside of the house, and once everything gets installed (hopefully in the next two days), I will take all the stuff that is not needed back and get a credit on my card. I am mad, but I hope there is a method to my madness. Today was the first official Tuesday morning ROMEOs coffee/breakfast meeting. ROMEO stands for Retired (the word Really can be substituted since I am not totally Retired) Old Men Eating Oatmeal. The closest any of us had to oatmeal was Dick, and I don't even remember what he ordered. We are going to get the group to (maybe) six of us, but I think it is going to be a fun group.
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