I did not go anywhere today. I did go outside, I watered plants in the back and plants in the front. Once again, I rearranged the garage, and twice I went to check on the mail, and it was there when I went out at about 5 o'clock. I did go on my walk this morning, and I was really bundled up; two jackets, sweat pants, knit hat and gloves. I worked on my leaning ficus, put new batteries in eleven fake candles (36 batteries total), took two or three naps, considered going to HEB but decided I would go tomorrow. I bought MSOffice twice today, and still cannot make it work. I have an appointment with an IT guy tomorrow at 3:30. I need to be able to use Word and other stuff, and I am tired of messing with it. I ate way too many M&Ms, a few grapes, some cheese, and a micro-wave dinner I got at HEB earlier in the week. I cleaned off my home office desk, which really means I hid a bunch of stuff that I won't be able to find in a couple months when I am looking for it. I talked to Diane, Peter and Paulina. I watched my neighbor across the street put up his Christmas lights, I brought my neighbors trans and recycle bins up to her garage door, and brought my bins into the garage. I took bottled water to the men collecting the trash. I did NOT buy anything on line today. I reacted badly to the stock market downturn. I fed the dogs twice. I had a bagel for breakfast. I talked to one of our agents three times. I shredded a bunch of papers. Otherwise, I did nothing. I took the photo accompanying this journal entry a couple months ago, and I think it is one of those things about 'me thinks the bakery protests too much' moments. Do you really need to advertise that your bakery is sanitary?
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