Well, the weather folks got it close to right with their forecasts. The severe weather started out to be hitting overnight tonight into Saturday morning. Through the week, it got earlier and earlier, and as of this morning, it was predicted to hit around rush hour this afternoon. And it did. It hit the Curious House just a little after 5, with winds, rain, thunder, lightning and hail. Nothing terrible, about 6/10 of an inch of rain, the hail was not terrible, and the temperature fell about 25 degrees. It could have been worse. Our walk this morning was good, I got in to the offie about 9:30, and joined Michael and Lynda for lunch. The neighbors were supposed to meet up for dinner tonight, but we postponed it until tomorrow night, so that will be good. There is only one estate sale tomorrow, and I may go to it alone, not sure yet. The weekend should be pretty nice, and I think it will be a relatively calm weekend. Even though I once again tried to get dramatic photos of the lightning and hail, you will all just have to settle for the interesting green sky before it all hit.
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