Friday, July 12, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 194/172 - Friday

Well, today was busy...I was supposed to meet Michael and Lynda for breakfast in the garden of the hotel this morning at 7:15...I woke up at 6:55. I slept really well, though, and I actually got downstairs only three minutes late. I got the most important things done before I met them, so there is that. We had a booking for a tour of the Eiffel Tower at 8:30, and we got there with no issues. The tour was not as we expected it, but it was fun and interesting. I can now tell you how many rivets there are in the tower, and all kinds of other fascinating trivia about the tower. Did I mention it was raining? It ws raining. After that tour, we had a wonderful lunch on a boat traveling up and down the Seine. The food was mach, much, much better that any of us were expecting, very well done, and I managed to have an Eiffel Tower for dessert. After that, we visited the Musee D'Orsay, which is housed in a former railway station. A beautiful building, and many beautiful pieces of art by artists I am very fond of. When we left there, Michael and Lynda went their way, and I went my way to the Paris Catacombs. I have been fascinated by the Catacombs since I was young (that is a long time ago), and this tour did not disappoint. The tour guide (Amber) was excellent, and we actually did go in to three different areas that are not accessible to folks that do not opt for the tour I booked. It was not macabre or unsettling, it was a means to an end back in the 17th and 18th century, and I fould it fascinating. I learned a lot about how it all came about, and I would recommend a visit to anyone. You too, Jennifer! I then traipsed back to the hotel, and met Michael and Lynda for dinner. HAving acomplished that, I am now back in my room at the hotel. It is somewhat troubling to consider that, I am composing this journal entry at 10:54PM, and that means it is 3:54PM in Austin. You guys still have a long way to go before the weekend starts. I managed to make many new friends today. When groups are taking photos, I invite myself into the photo with them, and we all have a good time. The photo accompanying this entry is an example.

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