In my head, today is Wednesday. Ever since Monday, my head has been thinking it was the next day, and not today. Hopefully, I will get this figured out before too long. It was a good morning for a walk with Paul, and we both had stuff happening that would have made a ROMEO breakfast difficult, so there was no ROMEO breakfast this morning. I did get in to the office earlier than usual on a Tuesday, and I was able to get a lot of stuff done, before I left to get to the blood bank for my 1 o'clock appointment. I left there at about 3:30, and had a stop to make on the way home. Tonight was book club night at the Curious House, and it was a lot of fun. We usually talk about the book of the month for about 30 minutes, and then we take off on whatever it is we want to talk about. We did have a good time, and I don't even remember if we decided on a date for the August meeting. We will get it all worked out, I am pretty sure. Tomorrow is pretty open as I remember, but I do know I have a 10 o'clock zoom call. Overall, life is good, and I am a happy guy. Even though tonight was book club, I forgot to take a picture, but I did take one at the blood bank, so that is what is accompanying this journal entry. Enjoy!
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