Where has the week gone? Well, depending on where you are, many people have probably answered 'to hell.' Not so much here, though. Last night, it was strongly suggested (by an unnamed source whose initials are Lynda), that the first person up in the morning (this morning) should go to the boulangerie and retrieve fresh croissants for breakfast. She knew I am always the first one up, so it was up to me. I went and got croissants and muffins, and we all enjoyed a nice breakfast. Apparently, staying in bed until 8AM does not work with these people! After breakfast, we planned out a nice, leisurely day, and before we left, turned on the dishwasher. Michael walked into the kitchen and water was spewing out in great quantities. Oops. We mopped it all up (toweled it up, actually, there is no mop), called the landlord, and left. We took the train in to 'Old Town, had a nice lunch, and then we took one of the On/Off double decker buses around the city. Interesting stuff. We did get off at stop 9, and visited (fill in the blank) which looked like it at one time had a draw bridge. Let's talk about nekkid people, shall we? There are nekkid people all over this country, and Nice is apparently in the top five for the most green nekkid people. Everywhere! But I digress... After we got off the bus, we walked around some more, and Lynda got a text that the dishwasher leak had been repaired. Lynda stopped and got dinner to take away, and we got back on the train. It was nice to get back to the apartment, because, not only are there a lot of nekkid people here, but everyone is sweaty. EVERYONE! When we got back to the apartment, we realized that, not only did they fix the dishwasher, but they ran it AND put away the dishes. How about that? Tomorrow, we will head back down the Promenade, and be in some of the commotion for the Tour de France, and on Sunday, we will walk out the gates of the apartment and watch the cyclists head to the finish line. It should be interesting. Today's photo: More nekkid people. All day long, I thought this guy was Neptune. Or Zeus. Or Poseidon. For you Aggies in the crowd, just to be clear, Neptune and Poseidon are the same person. But NO...this is actually Apollo. What the hell ever! Here is what Mrs. Google has to say: If you visit Place Massens, in the very heats of Nice, you will see a large fountain called the 'Fontaine du Soleil,' the Sun Funtain. There are five bronze sculptures in the basin and in the centre stands an impressive marble Apollo. He is 7 meters (23 feet) tall and weighs in at 7 tons. And if you think the bronze nekkid guy trying to wrangle the bull looks like me, you're right. I had totally forgotten that I posed for that work.
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