I am on a mission to find some geraniums to plant in some pots on the front porch. I had put some lilies in the pots earlier this year, and they are not doing very well. I bought some flowering plants in hanging baskets yesterday, but I am going to leave those in the baskets and hang them in the front. Today, I went to Home Depot (while waiting for the call to retrieve the girls from the beautiful parlor), and they had no geraniums, but I did get some plumbago's for the front bed. I think I had some last year, but they apparently did not survive the winter. I will try those again. But, the search continues for geraniums. I don't need them to be big (4 inch pots would do), three plants for each bigger pot, and I would like more than one color, too. Red, white and pink would be perfect. Let me know what you find. Pam, Diane and I went to four estate sales today, and I don't think any of us bought anything. I am planning to go back to two of them tomorrow, not that there was anything that I desperately need, but tomorrow will be half-price day. And, I will be out looking for geraniums, anyway. The girls are all beautified, too, so all is well here at the Curious House. I have got all the clocks started again, but two of them are giving me fits. Patience is called for here, and I am in short supply of that.
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