Okay, I am back from my trip to Dallas to attend the TAR Convention, and I had a great time, learned a lot of stuff (that is a technical term) and got to know many of my colleagues better than is possible during the normal course of business. All in all, a very successful trip. This will be kind of a recap of things from the last couple days. This photo is of me and my friend Carrie W. (not my BP Carrie, a different Carrie), and this shot was taken outside the site of the CRS Luncheon on Monday, where she was being installed as the new President of the Lone Star Chapter. CONGRATULATIONS CARRIE!

It was a rainy kind of overcast day in Dallas on Monday, and this is the view outside my window in the Hotel. On the first night, I thought I was hearing other guests in the Hotel slamming doors and crashing into things, but it turned out that I was within spitting distance of the rail lines, and it was trains I was hearing. On Sunday night we had a reception at the Union Station terminal, but I never really made the connection. The old terminal building was very nice, and made a grand setting for the reception.
There were lots of educational opportunities at the convention, and I did my best with the five classes I attended. Generally speaking, I attended classes with topics that both interested me and that would help me bring new insights to the classes that I teach. It was really good to be able to hear the broad array of speakers and instructors, and to see the staff, Directors and other TAR VIPs up close and to be able to learn from all of their combined knowledge. If you have been thinking about attending our State functions, I think it would be well worth your time.

I kind of hung-out a lot of the time with Mark and his beautiful wife Shara. I have known Mark for many years, but this trip really gave us a chance to get to know each other well, and the fact that they sprang for the wine was not a bad thing, either. Shara is a wonderful person with a great sense-of-humor, and I had a great time hanging out with them. Much of the time, I kind of felt like the third-wheel, so I hope I did not burden them too much with my presence. It was really fun to share stories and situations with the two of them.

So, what do you think this is all about? This is a photo of the bed in my room...it is obviously not enough that they have just ordinary pillows on the beds, and I can kind of understand the bolster pillow (makes it somewhat easier to lay in bed and watch the television). But what do you think is up with this crazy medicine-ball pillow thing? I have never seen pillows like that ANYWHERE. It is kind of cool, but not the most practical thing I have ever seen. I was so curious about it, I decided to bring it home with me for further inspection (NOT REALLY). It just seemed kind of odd, so if you know of a purpose other than just an oddity, let me know.

See what happens when we get a good rain? We get flowers blooming. I noticed the shoots coming up out of the ground on Sunday before I left, and I mentioned it to Jody, but today, just a few days later, they are in full bloom. They are some sort of a Lilly, and I think they might be native to the area, but not sure of the name. The name is really not important, they are beautiful, and we are glad to have them. The temperatures have been very unseasonably mild lately, and that has been very pleasant (even though I was not outside the Hotel for a couple days), but I think the temperatures are expected to rise soon. Back to late summer, early fall in Texas, but the brief respite was greatly appreciated. The sun is shining right now, and that is a wonderful sight.
Last night I was invited to join the in-coming chairman of the Austin Board of Realtors (John) for dinner along with his lovely wife Susan. We had a delicious dinner in the Italian Bistro at the Hotel, and had great conversation they both shared lots of their knowledge of the industry with me. Thanks for the very gracious invitation, and I hope we get to do it again sometime.
Okay, it is almost time for dinner, and I have to unpack and get ready for working the rest of the week. I expect there will be lots of stuff waiting on my desk when I arrive, and I need to be ready.
How goes the good deeds? Have you been kind to someone who may not be expecting you to be? Have you made any improvements that will be a benefit to all mankind? Just changing a light bulb is a good start, it does not need to be something grandiose. See what you can do, and remember to Have Fun!
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