Okay, so yesterday, we had over nine inches of rain. Jody thinks we had a little bit less, I think we had a little bit more. This is a photo of our 'middle tank', a tank that has never had water in it since we have lived here, almost a year! It is still raining, and there is over an inch in the gauge right now. I have no idea what the total will be, but there is water in tanks around here where we did not even know there were tanks. I think some of the tanks are actually just peoples front yards! There has been a lot of water coming out of the skies for the past couple days, and there is more on the way! It is supposed to kind of taper off tomorrow and most of next week, but I do not really think the weather prognosticators were expecting this, so we shall see exactly what happens. I will keep you posted.

This is a photo of the 'back tank', the tank in one of the pastures. This tank had some water in it when we moved here, and kept some water for a while, but eventually dried up over the summer. It is wonderful to see the tanks with water in them. This morning I slept late, and finally got up and went to the back pasture and moved the cattle to the other pasture. IT IS A MUDDY MESS BACK THERE! I need to go tomorrow and move the troughs into the other pasture and give them some feed, and that will be a mess, but it has to be done. I am not complaining one bit about the rain, but I am not crazy about mud. Do you know that mud does not occur on its own in nature. Mud is the result of man-made circumstances...in this case, the cattle. Pay attention the next time you see mud...it is not a natural occurrence!
After I moved the cattle, I had some cereal and went into the office to catch up on some work. I was teaching on Thursday and Friday, and had some stuff sitting on my desk from those two days that needed to be handled, and I am going to Dallas tomorrow for a couple days...I will be back in the office on Wednesday, but I needed to get this stuff taken care or...it could not wait until Wednesday.
I got back home about 1:30 and had some lunch, settled down in my big chair in front of the television, and fast forwarded through a couple NetFlix movies. Actually, I slept through most of one of them, and then REALLY fast forwarded through the second. After that, Jody and I went into Bartlett for dinner, and back home in time to see the evening news programs. An early night is forecast for me tonight!
Pauline, one of our neighbors just stopped over to bring us some home made cinnamon rolls for breakfast in the morning. We really truly do love living in the country. No one ever brought us cinnamon rolls when we lived in town. We have fewer neighbors here by far, but we see them a lot more than we saw any of our neighbors in town.
Rain makes me sleepy (or sleepier, or just plain tired). How are you doing on your good deeds? Anything happening on your end that will make the world a better place? Have you been practicing random acts of kindness and senseless beauty? Have you been having fun?
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