A YEAR AGO TODAY...(except a year ago today was a Friday, not a Saturday)...A YEAR AGO TODAY, Jody and I closed on the property where we now live. Time flies when you are having a good time. The Seller's had a short lease back, and we began the transition from the condo in town and the other farm in Red Rock. I think we actually moved in (or actually took possession) on the 7th or 8th of October. There has been a lot of work done since then, and although the exterior may not look too different (the drought has not helped) there have been lots of subtle changes. Fences added, all the flooring redone, the entire house painted, replaced the entire HVAC system, new cook top, new toilets (my personal fetish) some upgrades to the septic system, lots of efficiency upgrades including the installation of the two wind turbines and I am sure there is more that I cannot think of right now. We both love it out here, and we enjoy the neighbors and the real sense of home that we have. I wonder what the next year will bring?

We think the cattle are enjoying it, too. We moved here with four longhorn cattle, and we have eleven now, both through breeding and purchase. We expect our base will remain at a constant 8 head of cattle, Mr. Speckles and his personal harem of seven cows. The offspring from here on out will be either sold or given away. Eight is a good number, and they will be able to graze on the land with no issues. We now have three separate pastures to rotate them from one to another. I have thrown caution to the wind this morning, and opened up the new pasture to them. They are back there with their heads down, eating the grass that the new pasture affords. I want them to eat down that grass, so I can sow my new Blackland Prairie seeds in that pasture, and then I will keep the cattle off that pasture for a couple months, while the new seed takes hold. Eventually, I would like to sow all the pastures with that seed, since it will be more drought tolerant and it is native to this part of Texas.

My first sighting of 'shrooms! Back in the day, I did not really pay attention to what they looked like...but the pastures are full of these now! I am WAY TOO OLD for further experimentation, so just live with the memory, if you have any memories. I do not even know if these are the real (wink-wink) thing or not...I guess I will look them up on the Internet. I am kind of blank from the late 60's to the mid-90's. Whatever!
Since I have opened up the back pasture to the cattle, and since I only have the two-wire electric fence around that area, I am going to go visit with all the neighbors and ask them to be on the look-out for wandering cattle. I hope I do not need to go out and herd cattle today/tonight/ever! BUT, with that possibility in mind, I have decided not to put out any fresh hay or give them any feed. I will need some type of bribe materials if they decide to make a break for it. I will keep you all informed!

Jody and I went into Georgetown to get some chrysanthemums for the front beds, and some petunias and some pansies for the back area around the pool. On the way, were were heading down FM 972 and there was this turtle in the road. Why did the turtle cross the road? Whatever... Anyway, I practically killed both of us trying not to run over the turtle, and I stopped the car, backed up and deposited the turtle in the pasture (on the side of the road towards which he (it) was headed). I have stopped many times to put turtles out of harms way, sometimes I think country juveniles find critters like this to be 'sport'. Anyway, this one should be okay for a while.
Of course, while we were in Georgetown, we stopped for our traditional spoiler. Yummy. This is pretty much it for today. I think the rest of the day will be spent lolling about the house. We will go do a 'cell check' on the cattle later on, but so far it seems they are more interested in fresh green grass than they are in escaping to the other pastures. I hope that holds for a while. I am not in the mood for going and chasing cattle.
Do a good deed for someone, show some extra kindnesses towards someone who is not expecting it of you. Do some small thing that will make the planet a better place for all of us. Have Fun!
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