Do you remember the old story that when you are up to your butt in alligators it is difficult to remember that your objective was to drain the swamp? Well, here we have the story about the septic system that would not quit. I have learned more about septic systems in the past month and a half than I ever expected I would need to know. This particular septic system has a drain field issue, but we all think it can be repaired, as opposed to needing to REPLACE the entire septic system. You see, the liquids (work with me here) from the septic tank are supposed to work their way through the septic tank and into the drain field. The drain field is a series of large perforated PVC pipes about three feet below ground, that are resting on a bed of sand and gravel. Well, because of the extreme drought conditions we have been experiencing in the past two years, the trees in this yard have been seeking water (whatever) from where ever they can get it, in this case, the perforated pipes in the drain field. ERGO, no holes, no drain and big time backup. STINKY. Anyway, it should all be fixed by this afternoon, and no one got hurt (except financially) and this case can be closed!

I can remember when a 20% chance of rain meant NOTHING. It seems now that a 20% chance of rain means it will rain, thunder and lightning for HOURS. Then it will quit and then it will rain again. I am not complaining (yet), but suffice it to say, I would prefer to be home taking a nap. It seems I do not do well when the sun is not shining. INSERT BIG YAWN HERE! At least tonight maybe it will be good sleeping weather. It is still a little bit too humid for sleeping with the windows open, but this morning when I went out to get the paper (protected by my umbrella and jacket) it was 60 degrees, and it was wonderful. Only the smallest of concerns that my umbrella would act like a lightning rod and my body would be found smoldering into the asphalt of the driveway. Compound that with the fact that the paper was not even there the first time I went out to fetch it. That hardly ever happens!

Guess where I had lunch today? I am nothing if not a product of televised marketing campaigns. I saw a commercial for the Chicken Strip Dinner at Sonic yesterday, and it was like "Meg, BUY ME"! So I did and it was yummy and greasy, and Dr. Atkins would have been proud. Except that I ate the Texas Toast and the French Fries and Gravy as well. I know, it is not a perfect world in which we live, deal with it...or as my friend Pat would say "Build a bridge and get over it!" Pat is an instructor, and that always works for her, but whenever I make reference to that, it is like I have slandered someone. Whatever...
I made it home with no difficulties, and it is wonderful to be home. I had made a call to a friend Rhonda in Dallas, and she was kind enough to call back...we were playing phone-tag for a while. I needed to go out and check the cattle, and so I thought I would call her from the pasture. It worked, and I got the information I needed. While I was out there (the cattle were all doing fine, thanks for asking) my neighbor in the back (Alan) was out watching the guy dig out his tank, so I went back there just to see what was going on. Of course, I was dressed in my underwear (boxers natch) and my pink fake Crocs, so I guess it is not necessarily true that clothes make the farmer. Anyway, we all stood around and solved the problems of the world for a while, and I made it back into the house to watch the end of the news.
Busy Day! Be kind, do good, make small changes, Have Fun!
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