Okee-Dokee then, today was a busy one, and it culminated with my teaching an Ethics class at the Board, and then attending a small soiree for Shirley at Sally's home. Sally is really a very gracious hostess, and her home is beautiful in north Austin. Lots of folks that I know were there, and it was really a very nice turn-out. Shirley was (I believe) very happy for the acknowledgement that she meant so much to so many, and it was all very nice.
My class at the Board was only ten people, with a good mix of experienced REALTORS, and newly licensed agents. It was a good class, I had a lot of fun, and I believe the attendees learned something. I believe they did. I did get a nice chance to visit with my friend and colleague Greg who was the monitor for the class today. With so few students, he really did not need to stay, but he very kindly fulfilled his obligation and stayed for the whole class.
Okay, so it is late, I am old, and it is almost time for me to hit the hay. Try and do a good deed for someone who is not expecting it of you, and think about what it is you could do to make our world a better place. Neither of those two things is really all that difficult. Oh, and Have Fun!
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