Well, it has been a busy weekend, I must say. I went out to feed the cattle this morning and to move a fresh bale of hay into the pasture (the tractor came home last night) and we have a new addition! A new little heifer calf, just as cute as she can be. As you may recall from the last calf, I have chosen not to call their sex (bull or heifer calf) until I see them pee. Well, I suspected this one was a heifer calf, and darn if she didn't pee for me, and the pee came right out of the heifer place (as opposed to the bull place). Calf's have pretty big 'belly buttons' so it is not always certain as to the newborns sex. BUT, this one for sure is a cute little heifer. She was born from Doodle Bug, so I need to count back and see when we got Doodle Bug, so we can determine her lineage. If she is a Speckles progeny, she will be eventually sold or given away, if she is a calf from Doodle Bug's previous exposure, we will keep her. I suspect she is one of Speckle's calves, but again, I still need to count back on the calendar and determine when she was conceived.

Before we go on, I just thought I would show you a picture of the tractor, running wonderfully just like a new one after Michael and Hubert repaired the bad hydraulic hose and gave it an oil change and a grease job. AND it has a new sun cover, so it is VERY SPIFFY! We have had a few challenges in trying to take care of 'the dog who came to adopt us'. He is terribly matted, and we have pretty much decided to keep and care for him in his old age. We have tried to get him to a groomer so he could be bathed and trimmed (we are going to give him a fresh buzz cut, and let him start his life fresh with us) BUT no one will do that without being able to prove he has had his rabies shots. The veterinarians at PetSmart in Georgetown decided not to show up today, so we thought we would make an appointment for tomorrow (they swear they will show up even though it is a Holiday) and then schlep him across the store to be bathed and buzzed. AU CONTRAIRE, we need proof that he has had his rabies shots at least twenty-four hours before we can groom him. I understand the regulations (okay, I don't really but Jody was trying his best to keep me from making a scene) and I will comply. Maybe we will be able to get him to our regular vet during the week and he will groom him also. I am just trying to get this all done while I have the time available...this is going to be a busy week, and I will be attending the end of the TAR Convention in Dallas beginning next Sunday through Tuesday. It will all work out. This is just one of the minor inconveniences of working 50 miles away from my office, and this does not happen very often. I will cope, I am not so sure about Jody and the new dog!
Early in the morning, I did get a contract offer for one of my listings, and my client and I presented an offer back to the Buyer's agent. No response, but maybe something will happen tomorrow. We shall see...

We did go off to The Grove, Texas this morning. We left the house about 10:30 and went through Bartlett, Holland, Little River Academy, then on to Belton and Temple, and finally entered Coryell County before we made it to The Grove. As for the Bartlett Tribune Progress (Serving Central Texas Since 1886) it was not that much of a 'ghost town'. There were lots of folks around, and even a bride-to-be having her pre-wedding photos taken. We wandered through the General Store, the Sheriff's Office and a Dry Goods store before heading back. It was really pretty much of a fun morning.
On the way home, we stopped and had lunch at Clem Mikeska's Bar-B-Que place (recently opened) in Belton, and then we headed to Georgetown. In Georgetown, I stopped for gas, dropped Jody off at HEB, and I ran another errand before we headed over to Dairy Queen for our spoiler ritual. We got home and both of us took a short nap.
No dinner tonight, just probably picking at munchies here and there. Then it will be time for bed, and hopefully a day off tomorrow. How are you doing on your good deeds? Any news on the 'make our world a better place' activities? See what you can to, tomorrow is another day. Have Fun!
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