It has been a good day today, and lots of things have been accomplished. I am really looking forward to the weekend, even though I will be showing properties for several hours tomorrow. But that is okay! I love showing properties, and especially to buyers that are wanting to move and are ready to make a decision.
The first part of the day was swell...after lunch, it kind of went downhill in a hurry. Nothing really terrible, just lots of small details that were incredibly time consuming and nagging. It was turning out to be one of those 'not enough hours in the day' kind of things. And my weekend is already booked up pretty solid.
Why can't tenants call in their backed-up toilet issues before 5:20 PM? Honestly, I had to pull over to the side of the road on the way home just to talk...to three or four different people...about really inconsequential issues. I have to admit, I really had no patience, but I did not let that point get across. I am better now. Anyway, remember, I am the luckiest man in the world...hands down!
I will be off to the Taylor feed store early in the morning, so I can hopefully be back home before our hired man shows up. We have lots of yard work to get done, and I have asked him to bring reinforcements. I kind of need to get them started, then I need to get ready to go into Austin for my appointments, and I need to have procured the cattle feed and other supplies before any of that gets started. It will all work out!
Have fun...do a kind...make the planet a...you know the routine...
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