Jody and I decided to head out to Bastrop since we had not been there in months-and-months, so we headed out Highway 95. The goal was to be at Mimi's Cafe in Round Rock at about 2PM. Have a smallish breakfast, a big lunch and very little for dinner. That was the plan. We got into Taylor, and we were intrigued by all the new construction going on behind the turns out they are building a very impressive parks and recreation development, and they must be building at least a half-dozen baseball fields, another bunch of (what looks like) soccer fields, and who knows what else. After that, I stopped and got gas at HEB at $2.19 a gallon, and off we went. By the time we got pretty close to Coupland, we both decided we were hungrier than we had expected to be, and neither one of us thought we would make it to Bastrop and then back to Round Rock. So we decided to turn around at Coupland and head for Round Rock.

Once in Coupland (I had been there many times on my bicycle when I was training) we came upon the Huntington Sculpture Foundation. Don't get me wrong, we also checked out the Coupland Dance Hall and the other couple spots that you would expect to find in Coupland, but the Huntington Sculpture Foundation was not something we were expecting. I remarked to Jody that there was/is a sculpture reminiscent on these at Laguna Gloria in Austin, and sure enough, when I looked up the Foundation on the Internet, the sculptor does indeed have a work at Laguna Gloria. It was a very interesting place, and we strolled the grounds and took several photos. There is also a donation container, and Jody made a modest investment in the cause. To find out more information, go to It is always interesting what you will find once you get off the roads MORE travelled. We recommend the roads less travelled!

So, we headed back down CR 1660 and finally made it into Hutto. It was an interesting road, and we like going down roads we have never been on before. 1660 led us to Highway 79, and in short order we were at Mimi's. The place was packed, even though we had expected the church crowd to be long gone. We got there at about 1:30 and there was a short wait. I had the Patty Melt and fries, and Jody has the crab-meat quiche. I ate everything on my plate, and Jody brought about half of his home with him. It was all yummy good.
Earlier this morning, I had gone out to check on the cattle, and I am happy to report they are all doing splendidly, thank you very much. They seem to be happily grazing on all the tall grass, and really did not pay me very much attention at all when I went back there. AND, there seems to be no interest in escaping to other pastures at all. I think the electric fence is doing its' job so far. Keep your fingers crossed that it all continues.
After checking out the cattle, we planted some pansies that we had bought yesterday, and I trimmed back a couple trees around the pool that had gone CRAZY. Everything is looking much better now, and we hope the cooler weather will help the new petunias, pansies and tomato plants. At least the nights are cooler, and hopefully the days will begin to be cooler. After all, it is practically October. I jumped in the pool yesterday, and it was COLD. That did not last long, and Jody basically just put his feet in and sat on the side for a few minutes.
After we got home from lunch, we both took naps, and that was pretty much it for us. A wonderful conclusion to a perfectly wonderful weekend. Remember to do something kind for someone and to make some small change for the benefit of the planet. You can do it, it will be really painless. Have Fun!
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